#2 - "The Beautiful Night"


This is my second post on here. This certain work of mine is a personal favorite because I remember waking up in the middle of the night after a dreamless sleep, sitting by the open window, in the mid-monsoon season and just appreciating everything. It was so random, but it was one of those few rare moments that made me want to live more.

"As I sit awake,
amongst the dead many.
It is a pitch black night,
with the moon in it's full glory.

A distant bright light disturbs the darkness,
reminds me of the little hope
left in humanity.
That far light flickers just as our hope does.

I hear a night insect chirping,
a dog far away howling.
And as the rain falls drop by drop,
I can hear her smiling.

The night is quiet.
The night is peaceful.
There is something blissful
about this night.

The air is cold,
and it pricks against my skin.
As she speaks, sitting next to me,
her voice gives me this warmth.

The night is dark 
with just the moon in sight.
I smile as I rest my head on you
and watch the beautiful night."

- LoneAceWolf.

© 2019 LoneAceWolf. Thanks for spending your time here. Much love. Have a good day. 
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