No. 3 - “Distance”


Today's post is a little bit extra special. This one is dedicated to the love of my life. The light who has guided me so well for the past year. So I thought, if she doesn't get a place on my website, who does? And oh, I suck at surprises so much that I ended up reading out this one to make sure it was a good one for everyone. Also, thanks for today's artwork babe. Thanks for having my back. I love you. Enjoy y'all!


"Two thousand miles apart,
fell in love with a work of art.
And as I lay in this bed,
with nothing but the chills of loneliness,
the thought of you here,
sleeping next to me, dressed in your bright, white smile
gives me the warmth to survive the night.

Your undeterred love guides me like a torch,
through the darkness in my life.
A whole new life, a whole new hope
And the want to live some more.
That's what you brought along with you,
when you came knocking on the door.

Fell in love, when we expected it the least.
"Hey, you know I like you, right?"
Labels were not really our thing.
For we were soulmates first, and everything else came later.
Kaya will know about this and she'll be proud.
She'll understand what it means to be in love,
and how the things we wait for,
taste the sweetest after all.

And well,
the best part is that,
we're still two thousand miles apart."

- LoneAceWolf

P,S. - I know this one is filled with insiders. But I want the reader to interpret this in the way they want it. Make it better in your own way! 

© 2019 LoneAceWolf. Thanks for spending your time here. Much love. Have a good day. 
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