(V.) "Nightmares"


Today was such a mediocre day. I did nothing but play games. Barely managed to get this post up. It's a fight everyday. To be or not to be (procrastinating). Enjoy today's post though!

"I've been having nightmares recently,
But I don't see a red-skinned, horned devil.
All I see is myself looking in the mirror
with disappointment in my eyes,
disgust on my face,
and a failure, staring right back.

I've been having nightmares recently,
but I don't see mythical creatures,
with their vicious fangs and bloodshot eyes.
All I see is men of skin and flesh,
lurking in the darkness,
eyes filled with lust and so lifeless.

I've been having nightmares recently,
but I don't see a fiery hell.
All I see is an empty, hollow shell,
That was once our home seemingly.

So I have been having nightmares recently,
but they have lost their scare,
because I've had my share.
It grazes me daily, but it affects me never,
for I've grown far too numb to this fear."

- LoneAceWolf

© 2019 LoneAceWolf. Thanks for spending your time here. Much love. Have a good day. 
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